
Whether it is in or out of prison, gangs have become one of the leading causes of the growing violence, drugs, and the cultivation of criminality that plagues our society. As they grow, our chances of becoming a victim grow and this is why finding a solution to this problem needs to be one of our biggest agendas in the realm of criminal justice reform.

Whether it is in or out of prison, gangs have become one of the leading causes of the growing violence, drugs, and the cultivation of criminality that plagues our society. As they grow, our chances of becoming a victim grow and this is why finding a solution to this problem needs to be one of our biggest agendas in the realm of criminal justice reform.

The negative Compound Interest Effect they create multiplies criminality more than any other factor, and we must come up with a cure for this cancer before it destroys any more of our world. As it stands right now the prison system has failed to address the issue with any kind of a credible plan.

Most of Florida's prisons are controlled by these gangs as they have the numbers and strategic maneuverings that prey on and manipulate those who are not a part of any gang(neutrons). The drugs are either brought into the system by the gangs or distributed by them once they are brought in. Their violence has left a wake of assaults, rapes, and deaths that has created irreparable damage to many lives.

The FDC's security videos record an endless line of barbaric footage of the assaults perpetrated by gang members. Videos that capture 7 gang members stabbing one neutron who refused to "break them off"... two others stabbing an inmate up and leaving him thereto pull the knife out of his own eye... or the thousands of inmates who have been sliced open by state-issued razor blades (many prisons have finally acknowledged this epidemic by removing all razors).

The terror that gangs have ravaged the prison system with is something that has a direct consequence on our world here in society. Not only will most of the gang members be released, but so will their victims. The mental and psychological damage that a victim acquires from being assaulted or just simply having to live in constant fear is unimaginable.

Their terror not only affects those who get assaulted but for every major assault that requires hospital care, come tens of thousands of dollars in hospital costs that we pay for.This takes the Negative Compound Interest Effect to a whole new level as it will financially take away from more worthy parts of our society like education, which the lack thereof is directly linked to a higher crime rate.

Society-First seeks to present the best-laid plans that put our communities first when it comes to criminal justice reform. We invite those who have been affected by this epidemic, whether an ex-offender, inmate, family member, victim, church, correctional officer, or simply a citizen to share their personal experience, solutions, or questions concerning this plight on the prison system.

More Problems



In general, the effects of drugs are at the center of almost every sad story, but in the world of prison, they can give a defining end to those stories. Being incarcerated presents the perfect isolation to impact those in society who for many diverse reasons have turned to the numbing effects of drugs and alcohol.


Tough on Crime

In Florida, there has been a culture maintained for the past 25 years, a culture that has been driven by the "Tough on Crime" policy. A policy that was meant to stop the victimization of our society.



In today's prison system, suicide is one of the saddest realities that our world has to offer. The amount of pain, loneliness, and sorrow that can compel someone to take their own life is something that a human being should not ever have to know.